Logo: Hospitality at Western University

Tournament Information

Fun, Co-Ed Recreational Tournament - No experience required! Open to the Western Community - Students, Staff & Faculty, and Family & Friends. Proceeds go to The United Way!

  • Saturday, November 16, 2019
  • Registration: 9:30 am
  • Start: 10 am
  • Playoffs: Start at approx. 2:30 pm
  • Please make cheques payable to Hospitality Services - UWBVBall
  • And forward payment to UWBVBall c/o Room 130, Lambton Hall
Registration (2 Options)
  • Co-ed 4's
    - 4 players per team
    - minimum of 2 females per team
    - age minimum 14
    - $120 per team
  • Co-ed 6's
    - 6 players per team
    - minimum of 3 females per team
    - age minimum 14 (could be a fun family event!)
    - $150 per team
Other Tidbits
  • Registration and payment deadline: Friday November 8, 2019.
  • Teams are guaranteed 4 matches of 2 games;
  • Playoffs for the top ranking teams typically start around 2:30 pm.
  • There is a snack bar service available.
  • Space is limited and will be on a first come, first served basis.