Page 30 - EmpHandbook
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        MAIN CAUSES OF                                                    A Critical Control Point is a point, step
        FOOD-BORNE ILLNESS                                                   or procedure at which controls can be
                                                                               applied and a food safety hazard can
                                                                                 be prevented or eliminated. These
              he proper implementation                                            have been customized for Western
              of food handling                                                     University and are carefully
        Tprocedures and                                                             monitored through documentation
        consistent and proper use                                                   such as receiving logs,
        of cleaning and sanitizing                                                  temperature logs as well as food
        procedures, can eliminate                                                   storage and cooking charts.
        hazards associated with                                                     To illustrate this, think of the
        food-borne illness. Each staff                                              path a case of hamburgers would
        member has a responsibility to                                             have to take in a Hospitality
        ensure the quality and safety of                                          Services unit. First we have to
        our food.                                                                ensure that the truck delivering
                                                                               it has been storing it properly while
        Potentially hazardous foods include                                  in transition between the warehouse
        meat and meat products, milk and milk                             and our door. Is this product safe for our
        products, eggs, poultry, fish and shellfish,                 customers if it arrives in a thawed state?  Next
        as well as gravies, puddings, custards, cream-filled      we receive it, but have to ensure that it is put into
        baked goods, potato and other salads, soups and           proper storage before it can be exposed to any
        sauces, and even fresh produce. In other words, just                         contaminants in our loading
        about everything.                                                            area. While storing this product,
                                                                                     we must ensure that it is
        HACCP                           Although, for decades, Public Health         always kept at an appropriate
                                        authorities stressed that controlling        temperature and in a safe
        Hospitality Services uses a     dirt was the surest way to prevent food      environment. This item could
        universally recognized Food     poisoning, HACCP research found that         be sitting on our shelves, in a
        Safety Program called HACCP     the causes of food poisoning are:            fridge or freezer for an extended
        (Hazard Analysis Critical                                                    period of time and we wouldn’t
        Control Point). This program,     •  Handwashing                             want to compromise its quality
        originally developed by NASA      •  Temperature Control                     while in our possession. Finally
        in the 1960’s, is designed                                                   it’s time to prepare and serve
        to eliminate the guesswork        •  Cross-contamination                     our hamburger. Product must
        in Food Safety. The seven-        •  Food-borne illness can kill people!     be thawed, cooked and held for
        step program tracks food                                                     serving in suitable conditions
        products from the farm to the                                                and temperatures. Again while
        fork, removing all hazards by                                                serving we have to know that
        identifying food hazards and                                                 it is being served in the most
        critical control points.                                  safest way possible. And Voila! We’ve sold our
        Your role as a food-safe conscious employee is to         customers the best and safest product possible!
        ensure that all product travels in the safest way from
        the moment it enters our loading docks to the time        Personal Hygiene
        our customer consumes it. Through documentation           The cleanliness, health and habits of Hospitality
        of applicable information, we are assured that we are     Services personnel are important because people
        properly following this very important system as well     frequently serve as the host or carrier for disease
        as ensuring that we have all the information to back      organisms which are so readily spread through
        our department and staff in the event that a concern      dishes, utensils and food.
        is presented regarding our product.
                                                                  These organisms are frequently present on our hands,
                                                                  face, hair and in our mouths, noses, and intestinal
                                                                  tracts. It is essential for safe food service that all food

                                  HEALTH & SAFETY   (29)    EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK
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