Page 26 - EmpHandbook
P. 26
“Do what you do so well that
they want to see it again and REMEMBER:
again.” One dissatisfied customer tells 11 friends. Each
11 tells 5 more friends. That’s 67 dissatisfied
customers which results in LOST BUSINESS.
– Walt Disney
Give the customers what they want... “An unhappy customer
better yet, exceed their expectations
every time! remembers the incident for
23 years and talks about it
• A smile is a beautiful thing, do it often. for 18 months.”
• Greet every person that walks through your doors – White House Office of Consumer Affairs.
immediately. Make strangers feel as welcome as
regular customers.
• The customer always comes first when it comes to
your job priorities. A customer takes precedence over Team Power
talking to other employees, arranging merchandise or Purpose Our mission: Exceptional Food Quality
paperwork. and Customer Service.
• Don’t talk “shop” business in front of customers. Empowerment Take responsibility for
• Don’t take or make personal calls when you are your performance.
serving a customer. Relationships Maintain positive relationships with
• Don’t talk around or over the top of customers’ heads. co-workers: A little courtesy goes a
• Whenever possible, accompany people to the right long way.
area or department rather than merely pointing and Flexibility Embrace change.
saying “It’s over there”.
Open Open yourself to
• Count change back to a customer. Never just put it continuous learning.
in their hand. Look at them and smile as you give a
sincere “thank-you”. Recognition Acknowledge your own good
performance and that of others.
• Make the exit as pleasant as the greeting. Always say
“Thank-you”, “Please come back again and see us”, Positivity A positive attitude is contagious. Your
“We appreciate your business”. team always appreciates a positive
attitude. No matter what is going on.