Page 21 - EmpHandbook
P. 21
In the event that an employee (full or part-time)
commits an infraction with reference to the
Collective Agreement and/or Departmental and/ KEEP YOUR ATTITUDE POSITIVE!
or University policies, they may face disciplinary Two things in life that you have total control
action. It is important to understand your over are your attitude and your effort.
employment responsibilities in terms of content Think positive, be positive, speak positive
(physical duties) and conduct. Individual incidents and give it your all.
will be brought to an employee’s attention by
their Supervisor who will remind the employee
of proper practice. Further occurrences will be
dealt with by the Unit Manager and may result
(depending on the severity and frequency of the PRACTICE PATIENCE.
offense) in counseling and/or a verbal warning
and/or written documentation, suspension and/or Keeping a calm and self-possessed manner will
possible termination. ensure a higher quality relationship.
Examples of infractions include, but are not limited to:
• Theft BE KIND.
• Lateness In a world where you can be
• Absenteeism anything, BE KIND.
• Abuse of Break Allotment
• Non-fulfillment of Duties
• Unprofessional Behaviour
• Disruptive Behaviour
• Willful Disobedience/Insubordination DON’T BE A BULLY.
• Gross Misconduct We are all unique, incredible individuals, striving for
• Unsafe work practices a common goal.
• Improper uniform