Page 16 - EmpHandbook
P. 16
Sick Time Statutory Holidays
Any employee who is sick and cannot report to work for The following 11 days are paid Statutory Holidays:
a scheduled shift must notify his/her Unit Supervisor by
contacting the scheduling office. (Contact info p.3) New Years Day Canada Day President’s Day
Family Day Civic Holiday Christmas Day
Residence staff: If your scheduled shift starts prior to Good Friday Labour Day Boxing Day
9:00 am, please contact the Saugeen Supervisors (519 Victoria Day Thanksgiving Day
661-3782) as well as your own Unit Supervisor.
Campus staff: If your scheduled shift starts prior to Should you be required to work on a Statutory
7:00 am, please contact the Centre Spot Supervisors at Holiday, you will be paid at time and a half for the
519 661-2111 Ext. 85624 actual hours worked plus your Statutory Holiday
To ensure continued effective and efficient
customer service with minimal disruption,
employees who are off work due to illness must call Notification of Lay-off
in and notify the Unit Manager/ Chef/Supervisor
by 3:00 pm that: Western University experiences four major slow down
periods during the year... Fall Reading Week (October),
a. You are too sick to return to work for your scheduled Christmas, Reading Week (February) and the summer
shift the following day, months (May–August inclusive). During these periods,
OR many Hospitality Service employees are subject to
layoff. Should you be laid off, please check with your
b. You are well enough to return to work the next day Supervisor to make sure that the proper paperwork
or any other days you are scheduled to work, so that has been forwarded to the Personnel Office in order
replacement staff can be arranged or cancelled as to ensure that a Record of Employment is issued.
necessary. Records of Employment are e-filed directly to HRSDC
Should a replacement be scheduled for your shift (Employment Insurance). Your Record of Employment
and you return to work unannounced, you will be sent is e-filed through the Records Section, Payroll and
home immediately without pay. If a third party should Employee Records Department in Room 5100, Support
“call-in” on your behalf to report that you are sick, you Services Building (519 661-2111, extension 85572).
must remember that you are personally responsible
for what that person reports to the Supervisor. As soon Duty to Accommodate
as you are well enough, you must personally report to Western is proud of the diversity of its workforce,
your Supervisor by telephone so that records can be recognizes the value and dignity of each individual and
maintained and/or replacement staff can be arranged.
is committed to ensuring that all employees are able to
effectively and efficiently use their skills and experience
Doctor’s Notes to contribute to the organization’s performance,
Any illness lasting more than three (3) days will require production and service delivery. Western is committed
a doctor’s certificate to be sent to Rehab Services, in to ensuring that each individual has genuine, open and
Support Services upon the employee’s return to work. unhindered access to employment opportunities, free
When an employee has been sick on three separate from systemic or other barriers.
occasions, the employer may request a doctor’s
certificate upon return from any further sick incidents. Security Concerns
Hospitality Services reserves the right to request a Keep Your Unit Secure:
doctor’s certificate following any absence due to illness.
Keep the back door of your unit locked at all times.
Ensure that all doors are locked when leaving at the
Vacation end of the day. All personal belongings should be
All unionized employees should refer to their secured in your locker. Those staff who require keys
Collective Agreement regarding policies relating to to operations, never lend the unit keys to anyone else.
statutory holidays and vacation pay entitlement. If you are unsure, contact your Supervisor. During
lay-off or vacation, all keys should be returned to the
According to the Employment Standards Act, part-time Hospitality Services office in Room 130, Lambton Hall.
employees are entitled to a vacation benefit of either
4% or 6% of total earnings, based on length of service.