Page 13 - EmpHandbook
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Sustainability is vitally important for the foodservice • Salvaging excess food in the Residence Operations,
sector to understand and implement into everyday Campus Eateries, Great Hall Catering, and the
practices. It is based on the concept of the “Three Green Leaf Café to donate to the London Food
Pillars” or a “Triple Bottom Line”, where Economy, Coalition by way of the Ark Aid Street Mission.
Society, and the Environment are balanced. This Hospitality Services was presented with a “Food
system takes into account all the physical resources Champion Award” by the Middlesex London Food
available to operate with, from the land we build our Policy Council in 2018
infrastructure, to the energy we harvest to operate,
water and materials used to plant and harvest food, and • Supporting the Western FairTrade Campus initiative
the air we breathe in every day. It can be found when by serving FairTrade coffee, tea and chocolate in all
economic activity works with the resources provided our eateries
by nature ensuring that as a society, we will be able to
maintain our activities for generations to come. • Introducing and maintaining several honey bee hives
from which the honey, honeycombs and beeswax is
In Hospitality Services, we aim to champion sustainability used in Great Hall Catering
initiatives that involve Responsible Sourcing, Sustainable
Dining, Education, Awareness and Collaboration, Waste • Hosting a farmers’ market on campus from June–late
reduction and Diversion. Some of our successes have October
• Hosting a 3-day, hands-on, plant-based
• Giving students in residence the option to use culinary training session for 24 of our chefs
re-usable take-out container and supervisors
• Rewarding students for using their re-usable coffee • Providing healthier choices which include more
mugs whole/less processed foods as well as several
meatless and vegan options
• Composting all organic waste from the back and
front-of-house in the Residences, Great Hall Catering • Rewarding healthy eating with FREE fruit and
and Green Leaf Café (Orgaworld Canada process milk when customers use their Fruit/Dairy/Salad
Western’s organic waste into energy, fuel and frequent-user card
agricultural products)
In order to continually improve our sustainability
• Recycling all plastic, glass, and paper products on performance, it is important that we support these
campus initiatives and encouraging our students to work
collaboratively in creating a sustainable Western
• Buying local and in bulk whenever possible experience. For more information, please visit us at: