Page 14 - EmpHandbook
P. 14
Once employees are hired they will meet with the you enter your banking information into MyHuman
Payroll Coordinator in order to complete all the Resources, you will be paid by cheque, two weeks in
necessary paperwork. You will require your social arrears, and the cheque will be mailed to your home
insurance card, and if you are not a Canadian citizen, address on Friday. MyHuman Resources also allows you
your immigration or authorization papers. You will also to view your payroll statements online.
be issued a Micros timecard to use to clock in and out Should you have any problems or concerns regarding your
at your assigned work location.
salary, please contact your Supervisor who, in turn, will
An appointment with Staff/Faculty Health Services will contact the Payroll Coordinator.
also be set up at this time. This policy ensures that all
University employees who work in the food preparation My Human Resources
areas are monitored for communicable diseases and/or
infections, as required by legislation. As employment is MyHumanResources provides you, as a Western
conditional upon the outcome of this appointment, it is of employee, with secure access to view and make changes
the utmost importance that this appointment be attended. to your personal information at Western. Simply sign in
For further information, please see the Employees Health to MyHumanResources by visiting the web at
Screening Policy. You can access your information online from anywhere
in the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Time and Attendance New staff members will receive their Western email
user name and password by mail to their home, within
You will receive a Micros timecard for clocking in and out the first month of working at Western. If you forget your
at your assigned work location. You must clock in at the user name and password, please contact the WTS Help
beginning of your shift and clock out at the end. If you do Desk at 519-661-3800 for assistance.
not clock in and out, you cannot be paid. Your supervisor
will indicate where the time clock is in your location. If
you have problems or concerns with clocking in or out,
please see your Supervisor. It is the responsibility of each Remember:
employee to check his or her own schedule.
• In order to keep your file accurate, any change of
address, telephone, etc. must be communicated to
Payday your Supervisor immediately and must be changed
Payment is made by direct deposit, provided you online at My Human Resources
have entered your banking information into MyHuman • You cannot be paid until you have met with the
Resources. To set this up, you will need your Western Payroll Coordinator, Room 3C10, Ontario Hall, for
email user name and password, which is mailed to your documentation.
home address within a month of your start date. Until