Page 11 - EmpHandbook
P. 11
At Western, we are pleased to offer our customers a HOSPITALITY SERVICES GIFT CARDS
convenient and flexible meal plan. Our meal plan program
utilizes the Western ONECard (Western’s student/staff Visitors to campus or anyone not having a Western
card) and is based on a declining balance system. The cash ONECard, can purchase a Hospitality Services Gift Card,
register reads the card and checks the existing balance. for any value, through the Campus Meal Plan Office
Purchases are then deducted from the account on an ‘a-la- (cash, debit, Visa or MasterCard) or at any Campus
carte’ basis and the new balance is electronically displayed operation (cash, debit/credit). Gift cards cannot be
at the register. purchased using existing Meal Plans. The HS Gift Card
can be used in any of our Hospitality Services eateries
Residence & Campus Meal Plans are accepted in all or residence dining halls. These gift cards are also a
Hospitality Services operations in all residences and on great gift idea for special occasions such as birthdays or
the main campus as well as some vending machines Christmas.
across campus. Meal plan accounts may also be used Starbucks Gift Cards are accepted in our two Starbucks
in any Residence, for special occasion catering, to locations. TimCards are accepted in two locations only–
order home delivery or to dine at local off-campus UCC Tim Hortons (main floor) and the UCC Tim Hortons
establishments. Please check with your Supervisor for a Express. Booster Juice Gift Cards are accepted at our
current list of off-campus Meal Plan Partners or visit us two Booster Juice locations (UCC & WSRC).
online at Faculty, staff and students
can also top-up their balances online or at the Meal Plan
Office in Room 150, Lambton Hall. HOURS OF OPERATION
Meal plans are non-transferable! Only the person
whose picture is on the card is entitled to use Campus Eateries
the account to purchase food items. Please Hours vary by eatery. Please visit us online at
ensure that each card is checked appropriately. or check out the WesternU
Mobile app.
Cashiers must ask to see the student card photo
before it is swiped (whether by student or staff). Residence Dining Halls
The unauthorized use of someone else’s Western All Dining Halls: Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner
ONECard constitutes theft. If theft is suspected, Sunday–Saturday 7:30 am–9:00 pm
please call for a Supervisor immediately.
Extended Evening Dining:
Please Note: Delaware, Essex, Ontario, Saugeen-Maitland and
Residence food prices reflect that administrative and
capital costs have been removed. This means that the Sun–Sat open until 11:00 pm
price charged includes the cost of the product(s), factoring Perth Hall
in seasonal price, marketing board fluctuations and freight Sun–Thurs open until 11:00 pm
costs, and takes waste, theft, spillage and condiments into
If a student has lost his/her card, a “Temporary Pass” can Please note: Each dining hall will close each afternoon (½
be issued by a Residence Supervisor, or at the Campus hour) for cleaning–schedules posted outside each servery.
Meal Plan Office (Lambton Hall). Once a temporary Visit us online at
card has expired, the customer must pay cash for all
purchases. It is therefore important for the customer to
purchase a new card as soon as possible. Replacement
cards can be obtained from the Student Central in Room
1120, Western Student Services Building at a cost of $32.
Apple Pay accepted at all Hospitality Eateries.