Page 15 - EmpHandbook
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Hospitality Services Staff Website Hospitality Services reserves the right to call in a
replacement for a shift after 15 minutes from the start
You can now access information related to our of the shift, should an employee fail to report to work
business as well as relevant news and upcoming without prior notice.
events for Hospitality Services staff via the web at
New information and features are constantly being Employee Development Plans
added to this site so visit often and stay in the know! Employee Reviews are completed by your Supervisor,
Chef or Unit Manager. The purpose of the development
Parking plan is to ensure that the employee:
Parking permits can be obtained through Parking • Is aware of Hospitality Services’ expectations
Services online, • Identifies strengths and weaknesses to promote
519-661-3973 • continued, positive growth
Room 4150, Support Services Building
• Has the opportunity to discuss/clarify any
concerns or questions
Staff Cards • Effectively communicates career objectives
and expectations
All Hospitality Services employees may obtain a Western
ONECard free of charge. These cards are available in Staff Postings
Room 1120, Student Services Building between 9:00
a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday–Friday. A Western ONECard All Hospitality Services CUPE 2692 positions are posted
is your identification as a Western employee and is at
required for: Applying for HS job postings is an online process.
1. Kitchen key sign-out (Note: In Residences you As a current Western employee, here are the steps
must also be included on a list of Hospitality to follow:
Services employees) Log into your My HR account–you will need your UWO
2. Use of Western’s library system User ID and password.
3. Sports and recreation memberships Click on the “Working at Western” icon.
4. Door Access (some locations) Click “View all Jobs” – the first option.
5. Hospitality Services Staff Meal Plan On the menu options along the left, click “Faculty/Unit”
Note: Western students will be issued a special and then select “Hospitality Services”.
Hospitality Services employee card for their staff All postings within HS will be displayed. Select the
meal plan which can be used during work shifts only. one(s) you are interested in.
Follow instructions to apply.
Attendance Requirements
All staff are required to be on the floor, in full Staff Call-In Procedures
uniform, including their clock-in card, ready to work,
at the beginning of their scheduled shift and must The system of calling in staff to fill vacant schedules
remain on the floor until the end of their scheduled is centralized to maintain control and to have a “big
shift, except for designated break periods. picture” of the placement of staff and shifts. The
Should you need to leave the floor due to unforeseen procedure is centralized in Saugeen-Maitland Hall
circumstances, please notify your Supervisor prior to for Residence Dining and at Centre Spot for Campus
leaving. Eateries.
When it is necessary to replace a staff member due to
Late for Shift sickness or to augment staff requirements for special
events etc., staff members will be offered additional hours
It is the responsibility of each staff member to notify according to set procedures. For further information on set
their home unit in advance, if they are going to be late policy, see the Union Board.
for their shift. If a staff member reports to work fifteen
minutes after the start of his/her shift without prior The following categories are general; Union
notice, he/she may be sent home without pay at the employees please refer to your Collective
discretion of the Supervisor/Chef or Unit Manager.
Agreement for specific details.